Author Archives: Briceag Andrei

#weareprojectmanagement Claudiu Bisnel, fondator Brisk Group Pentru noi, 2022 a fost un an de consolidare a poziției de lider în piață. Avem activitate intensă. Crizele actuale, dar și războiul comercial dintre SUA și China au afectat piața construcțiilor, unde prețurile la materiale au crescut semnificativ, iar deficitul de forță de muncă se adâncește tot mai

2019 has come with some important changes for us. We have a new brand positioning, a new logo and a new website to share with you. In our wish to better convey who we are and how we do things, we realized that we are very much preoccupied with having a modern approach towards our

We are constantly one step ahead. We are always preoccupied with the latest trends and technologies that make our work more efficient and bring the construction industry to a new level. We always come up with a modern approach that revolutionizes and innovates the projects we are dealing with. We are people-oriented and we believe